This is the registration website
for the conference ETEE2023 at Paris-Saclay
13-15 Nov 2023 Saclay (France)

Conference "Empiricism & Theory in Ecology and Evolution" at Paris Saclay

The conference "ETEE2023" will take place at the university of Paris Saclay from Monday November 13th to Wednesday November 15th.

This is a joint event, gathering the community of the GDR AIEM ("Approches Interdisciplinaires de l'Évolution Moléculaire") and the Paris-Saclay Interdisciplinary Object C-BASC ("Biodiversité, Agroécologie, Société et Climat"), on the very new campus of Paris-Saclay.

ETEE 2023 promises to be a small-scale gathering, with around 100 attendees, creating the perfect environment for meaningful discussions and collaboration opportunities. It is the annual conference of the GDR "Interdisciplinary Approach to Molecular Evolution" (AIEM), which brings together the community in population genetics, modeling, molecular evolution to address a range of fundamental questions in evolutionary biology, and to stimulate discussions on philosophical and historical perspectives within this field. This year, the conference is co-financed by the Interdisciplinary Center for Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate Studies (C-BASC), and we aim to delve into the intriguing realms of Agroecology and Society as well. The primary objective of this meetings is to foster informal exchanges in these highly interdisciplinary fields and encourage young scientists to present their research work.

This year, in addition to the traditional molecular evolution issues, three interdisciplinary special topics will be highlighted:

  • Adaptation and invasive species
  • Agroecology
  • Biodiversity

Registration is free (including lunch and dinner), but mandatory (150 participants max). Accommodation will be offered for early-registered participants (first come, first served).

Invited speakers

Important dates

  • 1st June 2023: opening of the registration web site
  • 15th July 2023: end of early registration (no free hotel beyond this date)
  • 5th Sept 2023: deadline to deposit abstracts & late registration
  • 15th Oct 2023: publication of the final program
  • 13th to 15th Nov 2023: conference


The conference will take place in the auditorium Dorothy Hodgkin, at ENS Paris-Saclay.

Tuesday evening: The conference dinner will be organized at the Brewery "Oz" in Marcoussis on Tuesday evening, about 10km from the congress venus. A special bus service will be provided.

Wednesday morning: A breakfast will be organized on  at IDEEV (Institut Diversité, Écologie, et Évolution du Vivant), 200m from the conference venue.

        ENS Paris-Saclay
        4 avenue des Sciences
        91 190 Gif-sur-Yvette
        Latitude : 48° 42’ 47.318
        Longitude : 2° 9’ 43.715

From Paris:
        RER B towards Massy-Palaiseau, then bus 91.06 or 91.10 until bus stop "Moulon"
        RER B towards Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse until Le Guichet, then bus 9 until bus stop "Moulon"

From Orly airport:
        Shuttle OrlyVal until Antony, then RER B towards Massy-Palaiseau then bus 91.06 ou 91.10 until bus stop "Moulon"
        Bus 91.10 until bus stop "Moulon"

Map ETEE 2023


Slides, talks, and posters will be in English.

Contributed talks will follow a 15' + 5' format (note: this could change depending on the number of contributions)

Posters must fit in a portrait A0 frame


Organization comitee, Scientific comitee, Both


  • Maud Tenaillon
  • Anne Genissel
  • Arnaud Le Rouzic
  • Sylvie Salamitou
  • Jacki Shykoff
  • Guillaume Achaz
  • Noa Vazeux-Blumental
  • Apolline Petit
  • Adrien Le Meur
  • Flora Jay
  • Simon Boitard
  • Vincent Castric
  • Laure Segurel



Many thanks to Stéphane Dupas for the ETEE drawings.

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